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  • Event Date: 23-Jan-2025
  • Total Photo(s): 5
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Description: DATE: 23rd January 2025 EVENT : Outreach Programme CLASS AND SECTION: 6A BRIEF DESCRIPTION: As part of their outreach programme, the Class 6A boys were fortunate enough to visit Vatika Special School in Sector 19, Chandigarh today. As Republic Day is approaching, the students assembled to create the National Flag using tricolor hand cutouts made by them. The students from both Vatika and John’s shared a special bond, which was truly heartwarming. Not only this, boys also acquired the skill of expressing the alphabet in sign language, as well as learnt about the gestures like saying “thank you” and clapping using sign language. The programme concluded with a heartfelt speech from the boys, expressing their gratitude to the teachers and students of Vatika for their time and warmth. The boys of Class 6A will always cherish these moments and remember that, no matter what challenges we face, our hearts will always be full of gratitude. FACILITATED BY: Ms. Siddaq Chahal
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