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  • Event Date: 21-Feb-2025
  • Total Photo(s): 3
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Description: DATE: 21st February 2025 EVENT: Class 1 Assembly THEME / TOPIC: Follow the rules, Be safe CLASS & SECTION: 1-D LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students will be able to : • Understand how important it is to follow the rules • How can we be safe my following the rules BRIEF DESCRIPTION: The students of class 1 D conducted the assembly on the Topic: Follow the rules and be safe focusing on maintaining rules and safety. Through placards the boys reinforced the significance of rules in school as well as outside the school premises. The assembly consisted of a song that the audience thoroughly enjoyed stating the importance of rules in a fun way. The assembly concluded with few words of wisdom by the Principal and an interactive session with the audience. FACILITATED BY: Ms. Tania Singh
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