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  • Event Date: 30-Jul-2024
  • Updated On: 25-Jul-2024
  • Total Video(s): 1
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Description: With the objective to evaluate the school's preparedness and response capabilities in case of a bee attack, the staff and the students were made aware of the necessary safety protocols and procedures by the students of class 4 and 5 on the 23rdand 25thJuly in their morning assembly. Theyshared what are the things that we should DO and NOT DO to escape the attack by a swarm of bees. They enacted different scenes to show how to protect oneself if attacked or bit by the bees like looking for a shelter in a room or a building, running through high weeds or grasses to slow the bees down. They also enacted things we should NOT DO like swatting them as it increases their aggression, not to submerge yourself in water as they wait for you. In case, stung by a bee we must scrape the stingerout immediately. Posters on how to deal with a bee sting and the treatment process were also put up. The videos on how to survive a bee attack were shown on the smart board to all the students at the school. They took great interest in understanding the preventative measures that can be taken to avoid disturbing or attracting the bees. The drill aimed to enhance safety awareness and ensure that all participants know the appropriate actions to take in case of a bee attack. Class 9 Dboys on 10th Julyalso gave essential information regarding the process of disaster management, explaining the cycle of preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation.

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